FSM4503 (Week 9)


It's been a while, right? Today our lab session with Dr. Fareed is combined with Group 2 because Group 1's replacement lab session which supposedly being held on Wednesday is cancelled due to Public Holiday on Wednesday. Therefore, Dr. Fareed changed the replacement class on today (Friday, 28 May 2021) from 3PM to 6PM.

For the first 1 hour during lab session, Dr. Fareed did a lecture. Some information I gained from him is regarding Web 2.0 topic, how social commerce benefits the customers and the business owners, fundamentals of social computing and etc.

The next particular 1 hour, Dr. Fareed wanted to collect the reflections from our CEO presentations last week in verbal. The representative from Bloom Innovation who spoke was Fatin Mawaddah. After that session, we are dispersed into breakout sessions according to our group. The purpose is to present our updated CV on Wix.com and also to show Dr. Fareed the progress of our Google Digital Garage. Unfortunately, there isn't enough time for us to present, so Dr. Fareed had to end the breakout session on time. Lastly, Dr. Fareed also reminded all of us about the CIP-UPM project for second phase, which include the improvise version of our website.



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